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Loadrunner - Errors and Solutions

Loadrunner - Errors and Solutions

Problem 1:

When you are downloading the raw data from the graphs in Analysis, sometime you may get the below error. "The raw data you are trying to retrieve contains too many rows(100001). You can retrieve a maximum of 100000 rows. Would you like to retrieve the first 100000 rows?"


By default, Analysis handles not more than 100000 of records in raw data to prevent of the data is loading into memory which could be risk. If the result is more that that value, then raw data is not loaded.


To avoid this error, you can follow the steps. 1. Close all Loadrunner related files. Go to the Loadrunner installation path

2. Open "GeneralSetting.txt" document in notepad. 3. Go to the section [General] and add the below text under [General] section. RawDataLimit=100000000 Where, 100000000 is the maximum raw data value which you mentioned. You can mention any value as per your requirement. Now Open Analysis and download the raw data without any issues. Simple, isn't it? Problem 2:

When you are executing the test in Performance center/Controller, sometime you may get the below error. "Error: The user files were not transferred to the local load generator"


The parameter file in the script got corrupted while uploading the script in performance center/controller.


To avoid this error, you can follow the steps. 1. Go to the script folder and open the <script name>.prm file in any text editor. 2. Search 'Table=' and check the parameter file name against Table=*.dat. It needs to be same. Or else, please update the name in <script name>.prm with case sensitive. Refer the snapshot below.

Now upload the script in zip format in performance center/controller and execute the test. Simple, isn't it? After made the above changes, still you are facing an issue. No worries. Follow the below steps. 1. Delete the script from performance center/controller. 2. Change the script name in your local copy. (Make sure script name is small) 3. Then upload the script again to performance center and execute it.

Problem 3:

When you are replaying the script in VuGen, sometime you may get the below error. "Error -27780: [GENERAL_MSG_CAT_SSL_ERROR]connect to host "<Application URL>" failed: [10054] Connection reset by peer"

Reason: Application is using SSL version TLSv1, however while running the script from Loadrunner, by default it is sending SSL version SSL2/3. This is the root cause of the problem Solution:

To avoid this error, you can follow either one of the steps mentioned below. a) Include the below statement at the first line of Vuser_init section.


b) In the recording options, Go to Port Mapping -> Options -> Click on "Enable auto SSL detection" and select SSL version as "TLS 1.x". Then Click on Update and save the changes. Then regenerate the script with the updated settings. Now Open the script in VuGen and replay it without connection reset error. Simple, isn't it?

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